
Widgets in the Best Way Websites CMS
If you are logged in, you can see your available widgets as well as the widgets your theme is currently using here: https://use.bestwaywebsites.com/my-widgets.php.
There are a total of 15 widgets that you may use in the Best Way Websites CMS.
Note: not all widgets will work with all themes.
When you use a widget, it will make the code work for every page on your website (when it is an invisible widget) and it will make the contents of the custom code display on every page of your website (when it is a visible widget).
There are two types of widgets:
1) Invisible Widgets
These are: widgets that work in the background of your website and are needed to perform a specific function, but do not result in anything visible being displayed on your website.
They include:
- Top of Page Code Widget
- In Head Code Widget
- Begin (Immediately After) Head Code Widget
- Immediately After body Widget
- Immediately Before body end Widget
- Before Body Close Widget
The Top of Page Code Widget is typically used whenever you need to call for a database query and therefore most applications will require that this code be inserted even before the beginning, first tag on your website.
The In Head Code Widget is used whenever you need to insert some code before the tag of your website. Certain platforms will require this to prove the ownership of your digital assets and to perform other functions.
The Begin (Immediately After) Head Code Widget is used whenever an application requires code to be inserted immediately AFTER the in your website. This is often where custom code inluding custom javascript code is inserted.
The Immediately After body Widget is used when you need to insert code immediately after the tag of your website.
The Immediately Before body end Widget is most often used in a similar way, when scripts are provided for you to implement into your website. Some applications will want their code implemented immediately before the tag.
The Before Body Close Widget is used when you need to insert code before the tag on your website.

2) Visible Widgets
They include:
- Into Header Widget
- Above Header Widget
- Above Content Widget
- Above In Content Widget
- Left Side Widget
- Right Side Widget
- Below In Content Widget
- Below Content Widget
- Below Footer Widget
The Into Header Widget is used when you need to display content on every page in the header area of your website. The header includes the images and content that is at the very top of your pages, just before the CONTENT area of your site.
When you are editing any of your pages using the CMS, you are only editing the CONTENT that is below the header (top) of your site and above the footer (bottom) of your site.
Using this widget inserts images, code and text content INTO the header of your site.
Note: this is is not available for all themes, because it will not work for all themes. If you are looking for a widget that we have describe and it is NOT available for you to use, that is why.
The Above Header Widget is used when you want to insert images, text or custom programming that will visibly publish ABOVE the visible header of your website.
The Above Content Widget is used when you want top publish content that will print at the very top of the content area on each of your web pages. This widget will <span> across the entire TOP area of the content of your website.
The Above In Content Widget is used when you want the same content on each of your webpages to be nested within the content area of your website at the top.
The Left Side Widget will publish content on the left side of your web pages. Often used for embedding Meta or X content. (Facebook and/or Instagram or Twitter feeds)
The Right Side Widget will publish content on the right side of your web pages. Often used for embedding Meta or X content. (Facebook and/or Instagram or Twitter feeds)
The Below In Content Widget is used when you want the same content on each of your webpages to be nested within the content area of your website at the bottom.
The Below Content Widget is used when you want top publish content that will print at the very bottom of the content area on each of your web pages. This widget will <span> across the entire BOTTOM area of the content of your website.
The Below Footer Widget is used when you want to print content below the copyright section of your website and is most frequently used for custom links.